We are often asked where certain items in Utula mid-term rentals can be found – furniture and decor items are most frequently asked about, followed closely by bathroom amenities.
Here are a few of the go-to items and products that you’ll find at Utula mid-term rentals. We call them the “unicorns” or hard to find products that save money and time without compromising in style or quality. In fact, we love them so much that they’re in our own home, too!

We have tried and tested many different towels in search of the perfect one – some stained too easily. Sorry, white towel fans, you won’t find them here! Others became scratchy after just a few washes, and some were so small they should have been labeled as child-size. Price was also a factor. Eventually we found the unicorn - Grandiose bath towels, which we purchase from Costco. We also like their hand towel and wash cloth sets.
If you’re already down the white towel road, or want to extend the life of your coloured towels, you may want to consider purchasing a set of these makeup wash cloths as well.
Depending on the style of the home, we have a few different bath mats that we choose from. These round rugs from World Market are a guest favourite and come in a variety of colours. We’ve also used these two packs from Amazon.
Both options also dry quickly compared to more plush mats – an important feature to consider for mid-term rentals!

We love the look of amber glass bottles to house our bath products, but didn’t want to risk a glass bottle breaking in the shower of a rental property. So we went with these refillable bottles instead. I make the labels myself on a Cricut machine.
For soap dispensers, we love the look of these amber bottles from Target, however that’s not our go-to. The ones we LOVE are actually from IKEA – a simple and sleek design, unbeatable price point.
The wide, jar-style opening allows for quick refills during turnovers with no messy overflow.
We also use Public Goods products in labeled, refillable bottles.
When we first started, we filled our reusable bottles with Kirkland Signature shampoo and conditioner from Costco. We couldn’t believe how many “OMG my hair has never felt so smooth” messages we received from guests, but man was it a pain to transfer it to the refillable bottles. If you’ve ever stood over a sink hand pumping shampoo into refillable bottles, you know what I’m talking about.
Thankfully, we found BNB Supplies and haven’t looked back. We buy their Soap Co oversized bottled shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Our cleaning crews appreciate the easy filling and guest feedback has been just as good!
The last product we made sure to stock is a full-sized hair dryer. In my experience, the travel-sized hair dryers you’ll find in many Airbnb’s take forever to dry your hair and often overheat or trip the breaker. Instead you’ll find this full-sized dryer or similar in most of our properties.
Do you have a favourite bathroom product that we haven’t listed that you’d like to see at a short or mid term rental property? Tell us about it in the comments!